About us

Get in touch today

There are plenty of ways to get in contact with us.

Our phone lines are open 7 days a week. Feel free to give us a call Please note, during peak hours of the day we may be unable to get to the phone, however, you can leave us a message at any time and we will get back to you within 48hrs.

Telephone: 01395 266500


General Enquiries: info@oceanexmouth.co.uk

Bowling: bowling@oceanexmouth.co.uk

Soft Play: softplay@oceanexmouth.co.uk

Engine Room or The Deck: dining@oceanexmouth.co.uk

Events: events@oceanexmouth.co.uk

Marketing: marketing@oceanexmouth.co.uk


Write to us:

Queens Drive

Or, simply pop in and see us in person! 

Complex opening times
Monday 9am - 8pm

Tuesday 9am - 8pm

Wednesday 9am - 8pm

Thursday 9am - 10pm

Friday 9am - 10pm

Saturday 9am - 10pm

Sunday 9am - 8pm

We will be open until 10pm daily in February half term
Bowling opening times
Monday 10am - last session 7pm

Tuesday 10am - last session 7pm

Wednesday 10am - last session 7pm

Thursday 10am - last session 9pm

Friday 10am - last session 9pm

Saturday 10am - last session 9pm

Sunday 10am - last session 7pm

Last sessions will extend to 9pm daily in the February half term
Amusements opening times
Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 10am - 7pm

Wednesday 10am - 7pm

Thursday 10am - 9pm

Friday 10am - 9pm

Saturday 10am - 9pm

Sunday 10am - 7pm

Amusements will be open until 9pm daily in February half term
Soft play opening times
Monday 9am - 6pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 6pm

Saturday 9am - 6:30pm

Sunday 9am - 5:30pm

These hours may change in the February half term
Free Wi-Fi available, broadband internet access supplied by Jurassic Fibre